2008年1月12日 星期六

外籍人才 財部提供租稅優惠

外籍人才 財部提供租稅優惠
2008.01.09 03:18 am


PS: 民眾如有任何疑問,可撥免費服務電話0800-000321,該局將竭誠為您服務。(提供單位:審查二科陳雅萍,電話:04-23051111轉2214)

2008年1月8日 星期二


□ 1.Otosporin Ear Drops(需冷藏)(耳保寧滴劑):細菌性耳部感染治療劑
□ 2.Sofradex Ear Drops(速復滴劑):細菌性耳部感染治療劑
□ 3.Mycomb otic Drops(美康耳用滴劑):細菌、黴菌性耳部感染治療劑
□ 4.Klargin Ear Drops:黴菌性耳部感染治療劑 : Phenylmercuric acetate(苯醋酸汞) Ear Soln
□ 5.Cerminal Ear Drops:耳垢軟化劑
□ 6.Tarivid Otic Solution(泰利必妥點耳液):細菌性耳部感染治療劑

1. 先使用潤濕的紙巾清潔耳朵,再將耳朵擦乾。
2. 用肥皂及清水將雙手洗淨。
3. 將耳滴劑振搖均勻。(若藥劑保存在冰箱,則先手握住藥瓶數分,使溫度與體溫相當。)
4. 開瓶蓋,握住瓶身,使滴管頭朝下。
5. 側躺或傾斜或趴在桌上,使欲用藥耳朵朝上。
6. 依醫師指示用量,滴入耳朵(一次或數次);並避免藥瓶碰觸到皮膚。
7. 吞口水,壓耳珠或耳朵往上拉,使藥液流入耳朵內。
8. 保持耳朵向上傾斜數分,或以棉球塞於耳道內。
9. 使用完後,將瓶蓋蓋上,關緊。
10. 將雙手洗淨。
1. 長期使用可能導致耳膜穿孔,請遵守醫師指示使用,勿忘記用藥。
2. 藥液變色不可使用。
3. 給藥後耳朵癢或劇痛或有燒灼感請立刻回診。
4. Otosporin Ear Drops需冷藏保存,其他藥品可不需冷藏。


推薦用書: 耳鼻喉科醫典

  • Odynophagia is painful swallowing, in the mouth (oropharynx) or esophagus. It can occur with or without dysphagia, or difficult swallowing.
  • Otalgia is ear pain or an earache. Primary otalgia is from pain that originates inside the ear. Referred otalgia is from pain that originates from outside the ear.
  • Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound(s).
  • Auditory brainstem response (ABR) audiometry is a neurologic test of auditory brainstem function in response to auditory (click) stimuli.
  • Adhesive Otitis Media : Rare late sequelae of untreated serous otitis;Fibrous organization of chronic sterile effusion.
  • Xerostomia is dry mouth.
  • Lhermitte's sign, so called the Barber Chair phenomenon, is an electrical sensation that runs down the back and into the limbs, and is produced by bending the neck forward. (due to Spinal cord injury)
  • Somnolence syndrome is a type of hypersomnia associated with cranial radiation (due to Brain injury)
  • Tonsillitis (沒超過tonsillar capsule)==> Peritonsillitis (超過tonsillar capsule) ==> Peritonsillar abcess (超過tonsillar capsule更多)
  • Reasons for Tonsillectomy
  • Torus palatinus is a bony growth on the palate, is a clinical finding with no treatment necessary. Picture
  • Tornwaldt (Thornwaldt Cysts) are benign developmental lesions in the nasopharynx.
  • Indications of Tracheostomy
  • Cricoid cartilage : most narrow part of upper airway, to prevent sbuglottic stenosis.
  • Prebycusis: hearing loss in both ears (Sensorineural Loss). Progressive hearing loss in elderly.

2008年1月7日 星期一

Happy New Year 2008 with The World's Largest Tankard !

