資料來源:中國中醫藥信息雜誌 所屬地區:中國大陸
李 岩 孫向紅 呂麗萍(山東省濟南市第二人民醫院 濟南 250001)
將雞內金洗淨、焙乾、研細末,分裝於0.5g空心膠囊內,裝瓶備用。每日3次,每次1g,成人可酌情加量,飯前、飯後服用均可,連續服用,至結石完全排出體外為止。 病案舉例:患兒,男,12歲,1997年9月23初診。主訴:腰痛,以左側為重,血尿3d,伴上腹部不適,食欲不振,腹脹滿,無力,舌苔白膩,微黃,脈弦細。查體:左側腎區叩痛,上腹部有輕度壓痛;尿常規示:白細胞(++),紅細胞(++++),尿蛋白(++):腎臟B超示:腎集合系統下端探及一強光團反射,大小為(1x0.8x0.2)cm3試用單味中藥雞內金,因其既能健脾和胃,改善脾胃虛弱症狀,又能化堅消石,使結石逐漸軟化,排出體外。服藥1個月後,脾胃症狀消失,查腎臟B超示:左腎結石呈0.8cmX0.4cm大小。連續服藥3個月後,復查B超,腎結石完全消失,輸尿管及膀胱均未見結石。隨訪1年未再復發。
2. 體會
(收稿日期:2001-12-10)摘自《中國中醫藥信息雜誌2002年5月 第9卷 第5期》
2008年12月17日 星期三
2008年12月4日 星期四
Treatments and drugs
In otherwise healthy children, chickenpox typically requires no medical treatment. Your doctor may prescribe an antihistamine to relieve itching. But for the most part, the disease is allowed to run its course.
For people who have a high risk of complications from chickenpox, doctors sometimes prescribe medications to shorten the duration of the infection and to help reduce the risk of complications.
If you or your child falls into a high-risk group, your doctor may suggest an antiviral drug such as acyclovir (Zovirax) or another drug called immune globulin intravenous (IGIV). These medications may lessen the severity of the disease when given within 24 hours after the rash first appears. Other antiviral drugs, such as valacyclovir (Valtrex) and famciclovir (Famvir), also may lessen the severity of the disease, but have been approved for use only in adults. In some cases, your doctor may recommend getting the chickenpox vaccine after exposure to the virus. This can prevent the disease or lessen its severity.
If complications do develop, your doctor will determine the appropriate treatment. Treatment for skin infections and pneumonia may be with antibiotics. Treatment for encephalitis is usually with antiviral drugs. Hospitalization may be necessary.
Don't give anyone with chickenpox — child or adult — any medicine containing aspirin because this combination has been associated with a condition called Reye's syndrome.
In otherwise healthy children, chickenpox typically requires no medical treatment. Your doctor may prescribe an antihistamine to relieve itching. But for the most part, the disease is allowed to run its course.
For people who have a high risk of complications from chickenpox, doctors sometimes prescribe medications to shorten the duration of the infection and to help reduce the risk of complications.
If you or your child falls into a high-risk group, your doctor may suggest an antiviral drug such as acyclovir (Zovirax) or another drug called immune globulin intravenous (IGIV). These medications may lessen the severity of the disease when given within 24 hours after the rash first appears. Other antiviral drugs, such as valacyclovir (Valtrex) and famciclovir (Famvir), also may lessen the severity of the disease, but have been approved for use only in adults. In some cases, your doctor may recommend getting the chickenpox vaccine after exposure to the virus. This can prevent the disease or lessen its severity.
If complications do develop, your doctor will determine the appropriate treatment. Treatment for skin infections and pneumonia may be with antibiotics. Treatment for encephalitis is usually with antiviral drugs. Hospitalization may be necessary.
Don't give anyone with chickenpox — child or adult — any medicine containing aspirin because this combination has been associated with a condition called Reye's syndrome.
Clinical Notes
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